Forgive Me

Forgive me for the pain I’ve caused you

How small I’ve made you feel

How small I’ve tried to make you be

Laughing at you

Pulling and prodding and poking and praying that every day I wake up and you are different.

Forgive me body

For all that I’ve done to you 

The times you’ve cried out and I’ve simply ignored you

I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you 

And the ways I continue to treat you.

Because even when I tell myself to stop

When I say to myself that enough is enough

I just can’t seem to stop the words from falling out of me.

The poison spitting from my tongue 

The rage 

The hate

The disappointment.

So, in this moment all I want to do is 

Thank You.

For being my home

For being mine even when I didn’t want you.

Thank you for doing nothing short of miracles every day

One day I will love you but right now I’ll just say thank you.


Simple Maths

